I Have So Many Good Intentions…

As many of you may (or may not) know, about eight months from now, I will be married, renting an apartment, and living in a brand new state. I am finishing up my final semester of college, working, planning a wedding, looking at apartments, and attempting, in all of that, to maintain my sanity. It’s not going so well, but I am continuously pouring all that nervous energy into DIY projects for the wedding and the apartment, as well as researching ways to do things cheaply and scouring thrift stores for everything. I’ve discovered so many cool things, and executed a few of them, as well as done some pretty impressive thrift shopping. I feel that they need to be shared (and a could really use another outlet). Sooo I’m reinventing this blog for the fourth (?) time.

I could write a little paragraph about how I’m going to keep on the blog this time and post frequently and blah blah blah blah, but we all know the truth. So I’m going to tell you that I’ll try, but also remind you that I have so many good intentions…but I’m actually terrible at following though. That’s all for now, I’ll (fingers crossed) talk to you again this weekend!

How Does She Do It?

Every time I tell a fellow student that I commute to school every day, their eyes bug out of their heads. You’d think as I was talking I was growing an extra arm or something. After their initial shock–“You drive an hour to school and an hour home EVERY DAY?!?”–the inevitable second question is asked: “You must get up, like, super early, right?”


The answer is…NOPE.

I have 9 a.m. classes this semester, so I have to leave the house at 8. Now, I know that isn’t that early, but I am a night owl, so I struggle with getting to bed on time. Because of that, I have mastered getting ready quickly. I NEVER get up more than a half-hour earlier than when I have to leave, and sometimes I wake up 5-15 minutes before. In that span of time, I get dressed, put my hair up or straighten it (I once curled it, but I’m pretty sure that day was just magic), do my make up (and that includes toner, foundation, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara…the works), get dressed, brush my teeth, make a lunch, and pack my bag.

Some mornings I seriously amaze myself, but I do have some strategies for getting ready quickly.

1. Pick your outfit out the night before. I always do this. I’m super indecisive, ESPECIALLY when it comes to clothes. I know it takes me forever, so I always lay it out the night before, with alternate outfits in mind in case something happens.


2. Decide how much/what kind of makeup you’re going to wear the night before. Adjust your time accordingly. If I know I’m going to do the bare minimum makeup-wise (foundation, powder, and mascara), I give myself a couple minutes. If I’m going to do more, I wake up about 5 minutes earlier than normal.

woman putting on makeup

3. Shower at night. I like to do this because my hair takes forever to dry, but your morning will obviously require less time if you shower at night.

4. Decide what you’re going to pack for lunch while you’re getting ready. Some people (my mother) like to pack their lunch the night before, but that’s too much commitment for me. What if when I wake up, I don’t “feel like” PB&J anymore? So while I’m getting ready, I think about what I’m going to pack. That way, when I get downstairs, I can just throw it in my lunchbox.


5. Keep all your electronics in one place, and charge them overnight. If you know where they are, and that they’re charged, it’s much easier to grab them and go.


And finally,

6. Don’t lollygag. Sitting around thinking about how you wish you were still sleeping just wastes time. GET UP AND GO. As soon as I’m out of bed, I’m up and going. I find that I’m much more energized during the day if I’ve powered through my morning sluggishness.


The Most Logical Outcome is Probably Death.

Today, I had plans change at literally the last possible second. As a right-brainer, many people may assume that I just kind of go with the flow. That, however, is not always the case. I kind of go a little crazy when something unexpected happens.

I will be the first to admit that I am disorganized. When I make plans, however, I have suddenly organized a part of my life, which can actually cause me to experience some anxiety.

Am I going to make it on time? Will they be there? What if I get a flat tire? What if someone rear-ends me? What if I get in a big accident? OMG what if I get in a big accident and then my cell phone flies out the window and my phone gets smashed to bits and I can’t call anyone and the other person drives away and I’m stuck on I-90 FOREVER? WHAT IF I DIE? 

The entire way, I worry and worry and worry. And then, if I get there, and the person changes their mind, or calls to cancel, etc, bad things happen in my brain.

I organized my life for this person. What makes them think they can just change their mind? It’s inconvenient? Well guess what’s inconvenient? CHANGING PLANS. Did I do something wrong? I must have. What did I do? I made them mad. How do I find out how I made them mad without asking them like a total weirdo? Maybe they aren’t mad. Maybe something is wrong. They could be sick. What if they’re super sick? Have I come in contact with them in the last three days? No? Thank goodness. But what if they aren’t contagious. What if they have a disease? What if they’re in the hospital RIGHT NOW and they had to cancel plans but didn’t want me to worry? They have cancer. It has to be cancer. OMG MY FRIEND HAS CANCER. Stop crying, Emily. It’ll be okay. STOP IT. I’m driving and I’m crying. I’m going to cause a five car accident. I’m going to hit a bunch of people and then my cell phone is going to get smashed and I’ll die from the accident in my car and I’ll never get to see my friend that’s dying of cancer and my family will have to I.D. my body and no one will be at my funeral and my sister will take all of my things. WHAT IF I DIE?


Moral of the story, next time you think about changing plans with me, consider what my brain, heart, and limbic system will experience. And remember kids, the most logical conclusion is probably death.


As many of you have probably not noticed, I’m bad at blogging. Fashion blogging, that is. I just procrastinate until I haven’t posted for months, and then it seems silly to start up again. So I’m going to change it up a bit. From now on, this is my blog about my life. Am I going to post my outfits? Probably. Am I going to do style posts? Yes. Am I going to talk incessantly about my life? Absolutely. Hopefully, I’m able to keep up on this a little better (the taking pictures, editing, and uploading takes forever…) and perhaps learn something from it. Official blogging starts tomorrow, so look out world, this right-brained mess of a girl is blogging her life.

How To: Find a Style-Post Three

OMG. You guys. I took these pictures on September 14th. It’s October 7th and I suck. I’m sorry 😦

Moving on, I’m continuing with the style posts by doing bohemian.

Outfit One:

Photo on 9-14-13 at 3.24 PM #3 Photo on 9-14-13 at 3.25 PM #3


The key to dressing bohemian is to keep everything flowy. Tight-fitting clothing isn’t commonplace. However, piles of jewelry are. A good tip is to layer it on. Whether it’s bracelets, rings, necklaces, or all three, the bohemian style is marked by stacked accessories that are usually simple.

(Top from Banana Republic, vest from my sister’s closet [not sure where it actually came from], skirt from Pac-Sun [and my sisters closet], and boots from makemechic.com. I couldn’t tell you were all those necklaces were from even if I wanted to, so I’m not going to.)

Outfit Two:

Photo on 9-14-13 at 3.39 PM #3 Photo on 9-14-13 at 3.40 PM


Tunic tops and crotched vests are definitely the kind of pieces that you want to look for. Large and small floral prints are great, and there really aren’t any restrictions. Just wear what makes you feel free, man (sorry, was that terribly stereotypical?) Although many people who maintain a bohemian style wear skinny jeans, flared and bootcut are the original jeans of choice in this style.

(Vest from my sisters closet again, tunic from my sister’s closet, jeans from American Eagle, and flip-flops from target)

Outfit Three:

Photo on 9-14-13 at 3.31 PM #2 Photo on 9-14-13 at 3.33 PM #2


The nice thing about dressing bohemian right now is that high-lows are really trendy, meaning you can find them anywhere. They work really great with this style because of their carefree vibe. Note my stacked bracelets. The booties are a great final touch, because a lot of times people incorporate military touches into the bohemian style (which, when you really think about it, makes no sense…)

(Dress from Maurices [also my sister’s closet], booties from Target)

Honestly, bohemian is really in right now, so you shouldn’t have trouble finding things. Look for the handmade craft stores and kiosks in your malls, because those are a great place to find great handmade items. Definitely stick to loose, flowy clothing, sticking to mostly flower prints. Always add as much crotched detail as possible. Bohemian is definitely one of the easiest styles to replicate (as you may have noticed, my younger sister does it quite frequently, while I do not). Have fun letting loose and feeling free! 🙂

How To: Find A Style-Part Two

In continuation of my next few theme posts, I made another style blog for you today. Since it’s Friday the 13th, I thought it was only appropriate that I do goth. Now, I’m going to warn you beforehand. I did a lot of research and worked really hard on this post, but I am not goth. I don’t own a lot of pieces that could be used in a goth person’s wardrobe, I don’t have much of a desire to dress this way, and I am definitely not an expert. However, the style is really really interesting, and I want to do it justice. Hopefully I did (no turning back now, right?), but if you have suggestions or corrections, please put them (nicely) in the comments, and I will try to edit this accordingly.

Goth is a very expansive term for something extremely individual. No one goth person dresses the same. There are several different subcategories as well. I chose the three most common, but I’ll list other ones at the end.

Outfit One-Sophisticate Goth:

Photo on 9-13-13 at 9.47 PM Photo on 9-13-13 at 9.48 PM #2


This is your Kelly Catrone. The sophisticate goth maintains black, texture, unique pieces, and all of the other major requirements, but chooses pieces that can be used as typical workwear. I feel like I’m talking out of my butt…which is going to happen a lot in this post. To save us both time and a headache, I’m going to insert a picture of Kelly Catrone (who is MAJOR in the fashion industry…Top Model, anyone?)


Now do you see what I mean? She adds in tons of texture and sophistication while maintaining a “goth” look.

(Jacket from Maurices, tank from Target, skirt from a thrift store, stockings from JC Penney, and heels from Payless)

Outfit Two-Traditional Goth:

Photo on 9-13-13 at 9.56 PM #3 Photo on 9-13-13 at 9.57 PM #2


Obviously, this outfit is lacking. I would have liked to have fishnet fingerless gloves or something of that nature, but unfortunately, I don’t own those. Just keep in mind as you’re looking at this that it is not a complete outfit. Traditional goth is how it all got started, sometime in the 80’s. Black skinny jeans, fishnets, leather, Doc Martens…it’s all the original stuff. This style is becoming less popular as more of the subcategories grow and thrive, but it’s still out there.

(T-shirt from Forever 21, jeans from a thrift store, necklace from Forever 21, Doc Martens)

Outfit Three-Romantic Goth:

Photo on 9-13-13 at 10.12 PM #3 Photo on 9-13-13 at 10.12 PM


This is probably one of the most popular styles right now. Corsets, tutu skirts, high necked shirts, ruffles, and bows can all be incorporated. This one was definitely my favorite as well. When doing romantic, think vintage, like back to the 1800s vintage. Incorporate flowy pieces in with the severe styles of the 1800s.

(Shirt from Target, dress from Maurices, gloves that belong to my sister (I don’t ask questions ;P), fishnets from somewhere, and loafers from DSW)

Okay, so now that we’ve got that out of the way, I want to talk style. First off, goths don’t wear black and black only. As you could (or maybe couldn’t see) I added a color into every outfit (Purple, navy, and red, respectively). These colors are most common, but certain subcategories also include neons and browns. Accessories are key in the gothic styles. Obviously, I was lacking there, but gloves, sleeves, collars, studs, leather, chains, and things of that nature are generally piled on. Piercings and tattoos are fairly common, as are unusual hair colors. As for shopping, finding what you want will be difficult. I can tell you that a lot of times you can just shop at normal stores and find pieces that you can include in your wardrobe. Shopping online is a great option as well. Keep in mind that being goth isn’t just a style of dress. It’s a whole life. Music, art, books, and other things are all included in the goth lifestyle. If you want to just dress goth and not adopt all of it, be prepared to have some people ticked at you.

Subcategories of Goth:

Cyber Goth (Yarn wigs, neon, goggles)

Hippie Goth (Long skirts, heavier clothing)

J-Goth (Alternative Harajuku)

Perky Goth (Tutus, neon, pigtails)

Gothabilly (Rockabilly (50s) with an edge)

Emo Goth (Self-explanatory)

Nerd Goth (Traditional goth with nerdy accessories, e.g. superhero tees)

I hope I didn’t destroy this…and I’m sorry if I did! I hope it helped 🙂


How To: Find a Style-Post One

The other day I was having kind of a “fashion block.” I didn’t know what to wear to school. I posted about it on Facebook, and got a lot of great blog suggestions from a lot of friends. One of them told me to dress goth. Although this comment was partly in jest, it piqued my interest. However, I couldn’t really think of a blog post that would incorporate that style without awkwardly posting “hey guys, I’m going to dress goth today just for fun…” But then, I had A GREAT IDEA. A lot of times younger (and older) people struggle to find their personal style. Although I definitely encourage finding exactly what you like, a lot of times it’s easier to find a niche in one of the major style categories and then branch out from there. So for the next few days, I’m going to make  blog posts that cover, in my opinion, the major style categories. I’ll give you shopping tips, outfit ideas, etc. For now, I’m going to cover preppy, classic/bombshell, goth, sporty, trendy, and relaxed/bohemian. A few disclaimers: 1. These posts are going to be really really long. 2. These posts will contain stereotypes. If I’m going to describe a style, of course I’m going to talk about the most popular things within the style. I am not trying to put every single person that dresses like this in a certain personality category, nor am I trying to suggest that you have to dress in this exact manner in order to fit into a category. If you know that you won’t like this post from this disclaimer, please don’t torture yourself and read it.

I’m going to start today with preppy.

Outfit 1:

Photo on 9-11-13 at 2.00 PM #2 Photo on 9-11-13 at 2.01 PM #2



If I wanted this outfit to be truly preppy, I would have on a cloth belt similar to this one from Vineyard Vines:

Screen Shot 2013-09-11 at 2.33.31 PM

When wearing shorts, stick to chinos. This material dresses up even the most casual outfit to make it more preppy and put-together. Light blue and white stripes is a great pattern for the preppy girl, as shown in my oxford. Throw on a hat, Sperry Top-Siders, and a watch to top off the look.


(Oxford from JC Penney, tank from Forever 21, shorts from Old Navy, shoes from Walmart, and watch from a local boutique…clearly I’m not a true prep.)

Outfit 2:

Photo on 9-11-13 at 2.07 PM #5 Photo on 9-11-13 at 2.08 PM #2



One thing that the preppy fashion isn’t afraid of is mixing black and brown. I don’t have the right color boots, but if mine were lighter and more like a cognac, this outfit would be perfect. Preppy girls are allowed to have lazy days too-they just have to do it in style. A looser, less structured oxford like this seersucker one, a pair of leggings, and brown riding boots do the trick. Finish the outfit off with a watch and a tote bag.


Your boots should be a little more like this:


(Oxford from Denim & Co., leggings from Under Armor, boots from makemechic.com, and watch from a local boutique)

Outfit 3:

Photo on 9-11-13 at 2.19 PM #2 Photo on 9-11-13 at 2.20 PM



Mini dresses in a plain color or simple pattern are a good and simple way to dress up. Adding a belt and a bubble necklace finish off the look nicely-just add a clutch bag. Go with plain wedges or flats for shoes.

(Dress from PacSun, necklace from ourworldboutique.com)

The preppy style is all about clean lines and basic pieces. Shirts include boatneck tees, oxfords, and polos. Trench coats and blazers provide warmth and style on top of your basics. Stick to straight-legged or bootcut jeans with no rips or distressing, chino shorts and pants, and fit-and-flare skirts. Riding boots, boat shoes, flats, and wedges are the most common shoes. Accessory-wise, stick to watches, tote or leather bags, plain colored baseball caps, bubble necklaces, and bangles. Monogram everything if able. Good preppy patterns include chevron, vertical stripes, small polka dots, and tiny stitched animals (crabs, whales, etc.). The preppy style has a very “New England” vibe, which is probably why so many people from New England dress this way. It is also common in the south and in sororities. Classic colors such as yellow, navy, maroon, and cream are staples, but make sure to add in a lot of peachy pink and light green. If you’re looking to have a preppy style, frequent brands like J Crew, Vineyard Vines, Brooks Brothers, Lily Pulitzer, and Lacoste. Keep in mind that the preppy style is extremely expensive to upkeep, as it requires quality pieces made to last a lifetime.

How to: Style Studs

Hey guys, I know it’s been a while…let’s just say these last two weeks were from hell, and it looks like the cycle is going to continue. Despite that, I’m pressing on to bring you this post! Lately, I’ve been finding myself OBSESSED with anything studded. I can tell it’s popular, because it’s everywhere. They aren’t just for the gothic, alternative, and punk dressers anymore…as much as some people may hate it, studs are being placed on even the preppiest items. So since the stud trend is growing, I’d like to share with you the kinds of studded things I gravitate towards and how I style them. Sidenote: I haven’t said anything about this yet, because none of them have shown in photos, but I did get three tattoos recently, one of which you’ll see in a few of my pictures. If you’re curious about the meaning/my experience/anything else, let me know and I’ll do a post about them.

Outfit One:

Photo on 9-4-13 at 7.35 PM Photo on 9-4-13 at 7.36 PM #2


So as you can see, the studs are in the collar of my shirt. This is one of my favorite studded pieces, because there’s just a pop of edge in what you might normally consider a preppy shirt. This shirt is from TJ Maxx. I am also wearing a pair of jeans with some thigh detailing that I don’t think is visible (just ridged sections similar to ones on chaps or “motorcycle pants [?]”) My boots are from Amazon. I’m trying to be a little edgier with this outfit, which is why I chose darker and tougher pieces.

Outfit Two:

Photo on 9-4-13 at 7.41 PMPhoto on 9-4-13 at 7.41 PM #3


Here, I’ve styled a studded moto jacket. Because the piece is so strong on it’s own, I kept the rest of the outfit simple. When you have a tougher and bolder piece like this, it’s really easy to overwhelm your body. Make sure to keep the piece as the focal point, with your other items simply completing the outfit. This jacket is from Forever 21, the white tee from Gap, and the jeans from American Eagle.

Outfit Three:

Photo on 9-4-13 at 7.46 PM #2 Photo on 9-4-13 at 7.46 PM #3


In this outfit, I’ve gone a little subtler. Notice too that I’m dressed up, which you don’t necessarily have to do to rock a stud necklace (you’ll see in the next outfit.) I like mints, blues, blacks, and greys with silver jewelry, which is why I chose this color scheme. Make sure that once again your spike is the focal point (especially one like this…you could take an eye out!). I find that longer necklaces look nicer with higher and simpler necklines, so watch for that as well. My necklace is from Forever 21 (only $2.80!!), my t-shirt from Wet Seal, my skirt from Forever 21, and my boots from Payless.

Outfit Four:

Photo on 9-4-13 at 7.54 PM #2Photo on 9-4-13 at 7.52 PM #2


This is the most subtle I think you can go with a spike. A tiny tiny little charm on a necklace or bracelet is definitely the way to go if you’re liking the trend but not feeling very adventurous. I love this option because it’s a little professional, so you can add some fun into a work wardrobe without going too crazy. I decided to rock the military trend along with my spike (it just felt right…). My necklace is from Forever 21 (once again, only $2.80!), my blouse is from Delia’s, my jeans are from American Eagle, and my boots are from JC Penney (you can’t see them, but they have ruffles on the back-so my style!).

Outfit Five:

Photo on 9-4-13 at 8.00 PM #2 Photo on 9-4-13 at 8.00 PM #3

This outfit is definitely my favorite. It’s also my most, well, insane. I have on pleather leggings AND studded loafers. Just throwing that out there. So I really like to prep things up, which is why I put on a pretty scarf and top with my cray cray bottom half. Of course, these can be styled in tons of different ways, but definitely try to keep it simple, because, again, these shoes are a standout piece. You don’t want them to be played down. My flats are from DSW, my leggings are from Delia’s, my shirt is from Delia’s, and my scarf is from Forever 21.

What kind of studded things do you like? Do you own anything or do you have a wishlist? I’m definitely looking to collect more-specifically a studded bracelet and a sweatshirt with studded shoulders.

Let me know what you think…and don’t be afraid to rock the newer (and a little scary) trends!


Pink Cheeks and Arm Candy

Hey guys, this is what I’m wearing to work today. I can’t tell you where everything is from, but it’s a pretty cute outfit, so I thought I’d show you. I’m also showing off my arm candy-it’s apparently really trendy. Not the biggest fan, but it is cute.

Photo on 8-20-13 at 10.32 AM


My “arm candy”

Photo on 8-20-13 at 10.32 AM #2


And the bright pink blush I chose to rock today

Photo on 8-20-13 at 10.37 AM

How To: Bold Lips

A little while back, I said I was going to do a tutorial on how to do a foolproof neon lip…so here it is!

Step one: Make sure your lips are soft and smooth…no chapping! I put on lip butter every night before bed and put on my clear baby lips before doing my makeup in the morning. If your lips are chapped, lipstick won’t look very good and it will dry out your lips.

Step two: Find your color. I’m using ELF’s lip liner in Fuchsia and Wet n’ Wild’s Lipstick in Don’t Blink Pink.

Photo on 8-18-13 at 7.14 PM #2


Step three: Line your bottom lip. Just do a basic line. Some people find this difficult, but with a lot of practice and a careful hand, it’s actually pretty easy.

Photo on 8-18-13 at 7.15 PM

Step four: Fill in the sides of your bottom lip with liner. This is going to keep the lipstick from bleeding onto your face-something that will be very noticeable with neon lipstick.

Photo on 8-18-13 at 7.15 PM #2


Step five: Line your top lip. This is a little tricker, but as long as you go slow, should be easy.Photo on 8-18-13 at 7.16 PM


Step six: Fill in the sides and top of your top lip with liner.

Photo on 8-18-13 at 7.16 PM #2


And now you’re done!

Photo on 8-18-13 at 7.17 PM

…but really

Step seven: Put on your lipstick! Be sure to cover as much of your lip liner as possible, blending it so the line isn’t obvious.

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And now you’re actually done! I like to set my lipstick with ELF’s finishing spray, just to make extra sure that my lipstick isn’t going anywhere. Have fun rocking this bold lip! Remember to keep the rest of your makeup light as to not overwhelm your face 🙂

Photo on 8-18-13 at 7.18 PM #6