I Have So Many Good Intentions…

As many of you may (or may not) know, about eight months from now, I will be married, renting an apartment, and living in a brand new state. I am finishing up my final semester of college, working, planning a wedding, looking at apartments, and attempting, in all of that, to maintain my sanity. It’s not going so well, but I am continuously pouring all that nervous energy into DIY projects for the wedding and the apartment, as well as researching ways to do things cheaply and scouring thrift stores for everything. I’ve discovered so many cool things, and executed a few of them, as well as done some pretty impressive thrift shopping. I feel that they need to be shared (and a could really use another outlet). Sooo I’m reinventing this blog for the fourth (?) time.

I could write a little paragraph about how I’m going to keep on the blog this time and post frequently and blah blah blah blah, but we all know the truth. So I’m going to tell you that I’ll try, but also remind you that I have so many good intentions…but I’m actually terrible at following though. That’s all for now, I’ll (fingers crossed) talk to you again this weekend!